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The following positions are currently vacant in the snow sports schools:

Wir betreiben seit 36 Jahren ein Saison-Sportgeschäft mit Ski- & Snowboard-Vermietung, Verkauf, Schulen, Depot und Werkstatt in der Talstation Jakobshorn in Davos.
Wir suchen ab sofort bis Ende März/Anfang April 2025 einen Schneesport-begeisterten Mitarbeiter mit Vorkenntnissen im Vermietbereich und guten Deutsch-/Englischkenntnissen.
Bitte sende uns Deine Unterlagen oder rufe uns an!


Top Secret sports & trends GmbH
Konstanze van de Kraats
Talstation Jakobshorn, Brämabüelstr. 11
7270 CH-Davos Platz | +81 413 73 74

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Creation date: 16.01.2025

Ends on: 16.02.2025


Apply early!


Many schools have a team of teachers who return every year, so there are limited places available. Spring/early summer is the best time to apply for the upcoming winter season. You can find all SSBS snowsport schools under Schools/Locations. Check the school's website to find out how to apply. At some schools you can already teach after completing the admission course (Rookie Coach), at others, the methodology module is a prerequisite. Here too, it makes sense to apply early so that you can organise the module visits in advance.


The employment as a snowboard instructor or ski instructor is not 100% max. 50%. A job in the tourism sector normally has 183 working hours per month, which corresponds to 8.66 hours per day. A teacher cannot work this number of hours because the students do not want to be taught at 8 o'clock. In most cases, no more than 5 hours per day are possible in the first 2-3 seasons.
The higher your education and the more experience you have, the better and more often a snow sports school can employ you. 6 hours is the maximum for an experienced and talented instructor.
In addition, seasonal fluctuations must be taken into account. In the high season (Christmas/ New Year/ Sport holidays/ Easter) the workload looks different than in mid-January.
We recommend that you calculate with a maximum workload of 40-50%.
If this is not enough for you, ask your snow sports school about a combined job, e.g. in the workshop, in sales or look for an additional job as a kitchen assistant, in service as a taxi driver, etc.