Which Qualification is your Goal?

Find the one that suits you

Work as an Instructor on secured pistes?

  • Swiss Snowboard Instructor SSBS
  • Swiss Ski Instructor SSBS


Work as an Instructor with a Swiss Federal Diploma?

  • Snowboard Instructor with Swiss Federal Diploma Snow Sports Instructor


Work as an instructor on secured pistes and off-piste in deep snow with the highest national authorization?

  • Snowboard Instructor with Risk Activity Permit (RiskG)
  • Ski Instructor with Risk Activity Permit (RiskG)


Which Qualification is your goal?

The overview graphic shows you an overview of the various training options in the area of skiing and snowboarding, as well as the different education paths. In addition, you will receive information regarding costs and duration of the qualification.


Further information can be found here:

Overview graphic Snowboard Instructor SSBS

Overview graphic Ski Instructor SSBS

Overview graphic Snowboard Instructor RiskG

Overview graphic Ski Instructor RiskG

Overview graphic Snowboard mit Fachausweis

Swiss Snowboard Instructor SSBS

This education is aimed at snowboarders who want to give their customers an unforgettable experience on secured pistes. As a SSBS Instructor Snowboard, you are employed by a snow sports school.

Swiss Ski Instructor SSBS

The training is aimed at skiers who want to give their customers an unforgettable experience on secured pistes. As a SSBS Instructor Ski you are employed by a snow sports school.


Snowboard Instructor with Swiss Federal Diploma Snow Sports Instructor

This education is aimed at snowboarders who want to give their customers an unforgettable experience on the secured pistes and who want to obtain a Swiss federal diploma.

Snowboard Instructor Risk-G

This education is aimed at snowboarders who want to give their customers an unforgettable off-piste experience. As a SSBS instructor with a risk activities permit you work either independently or you are employed by a snow sports school.

Ski Instructor with Risk-G

This education is aimed at skiers who want to give their customers an unforgettable off-piste experience.  As a SSBS instructor with a risk activities permit you work either independently or you are employed by a snow sports school.